

Bravo Hien! O boetse a hapa sehlooho sa "Top 500 Preferred Supplier of China Real Estate Construction"

Ka la 23 Hlakubele, Seboka sa Sephetho sa Tlhahlobo ea Matlo a TOP500 sa 2023 le Seboka sa Seboka sa Nts'etsopele ea Matlo ka kopanelo e neng e tšoaretsoe ke China Real Estate Association le Shanghai E-House Research and Development Institute li ne li tšoaretsoe Beijing.


Seboka se lokolotse "2023 Comprehensive Strength of the Housing Supply Supply Chain TOP500 - Preferred Supplier Service Provider Brand Evaluation Report".Hien o hapile sehlooho sa "Mofani ea Ratoang ka ho Fetisisa a 500 bakeng sa 2023 ea Matla a Felletseng a Phepelo ea Kaho ea Matlo - Pompo ea Mocheso oa Mohloli oa Moea" ka lebaka la matla a eona a pharalletseng.


Tlaleho e ipapisitse le lipatlisiso tse mabapi le mefuta e khethiloeng ea likoporasi tsa TOP500 tsa likhoebo tsa thekiso ea matlo le meaho tse nang le matla a felletseng bakeng sa lilemo tse 13 tse latellanang, e ntse e tsoela pele ho tsepamisa maikutlo lefapheng la nts'etsopele ea boenjiniere, le ho hola ho fihlela lipatlisiso tsa ts'ebeliso ea projeke ea likhoebo tsa phepelo ea thepa masimong. ea tlhokomelo ea bophelo bo botle, lihotele, liofisi, thepa ea thekiso ea liindasteri le nchafatso ea litoropo.Ho nka datha ea phatlalatso ea likhoebo tsa phepelo, database ea criric le tlhaiso-leseling ea projeke ea mebaraka ea sethala sa lits'ebeletso tsa litefiso tsa sechaba e le lisampole, tlhahlobo e akaretsa matšoao a supileng a mantlha: Lintlha tsa Khoebo, Ts'ebetso ea Morero, Boemo ba Phepelo, Lihlahisoa tse Tala, Tekolo ea Basebelisi, Theknoloji e nang le Patent le Brand. Tšusumetso, le ho tlatselletsoa ke lintlha tsa litsebi le tlhahlobo ea kantle ho marang-rang.Ka mokhoa ona oa tlhahlobo ea mahlale, index e ratoang le sampole e ratoang e ea fumanoa.'Me joale ho khethoa mefuta ea bafani ba thekiso ea matlo le bafani ba litšebeletso ba nang le tlhōlisano e matla.Liphetho tsa tlhahlobo li kenyelelitsoe polokelong ea litaba ea khoebo ea "5A Supplier" e thehiloeng ke Setsi sa Boitsebiso se Seholo sa Supply Chain se thehiloeng ke Mokhatlo oa China oa Indasteri ea Matlo."5A" e bua ka Tlhahiso, Matla a Sehlahisoa, Matla a Tšebeletso, Matla a Phano le Matla a Boqapi.


E le khoebo e ka sehloohong indastering ea mocheso oa mocheso oa mocheso oa moea, Hien o 'nile a sebetsa le likhoebo tsa thekiso ea matlo ho ntšetsa pele ntlafatso ea tikoloho ea batho ba Chaena,' me o entse katleho e kholo ea lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse nang le tokelo ea molao, pōpo ea tsamaiso ea theknoloji, litekanyetso tsa boleng ba sehlahisoa le tiiso ea tšebeletso ea potoloho e feletseng.Hien o thehile likamano tsa botsoalle le tšebelisano 'moho le likhoebo tse ngata tse etellang pele tsa lehae tse kang Country Garden, Seazen Holdings, Greenland Holdings, Times Real Estate, Poly Real Estate, Zhongnan Land, OCT, Longguang Real Estate le Agile.Khetho ena e bonts'a hore matla a pharalletseng a Hien le likatleho tse ikhethang li netefalitsoe ka botlalo ke likhoebo tsa thekiso ea matlo 'me li amoheloa haholo ke mmaraka.


Kamohelo e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ke sebaka se setle sa ho qala Hien.Re tla nka tsela ea nts'etsopele e tala le ea boleng bo holimo, 'me re thehe bokamoso bo betere ka indasteri ea thekiso ea matlo.

Nako ea poso: Mar-25-2023